Category Archives: Destinations

Gathering Place, At The Abby

The Abby: A Gathering Place For The Group

I heard someone of us question on whether The Abby would be a good place for us to meet.  So while in Springfield on a service call I decided to visit The Abby and see what it was about.IMG_20160720_103201283IMG_20160720_103304750





This is The Abby’s main venue, and as you can see I am not quite sure whether to call the ‘Pig & Turnip’ or the ‘Sprout’.  Here is the courtyard and there are IMG_20160720_103236525tables inside as well.  There is also a bakery which will be shown below.  As well as all of the menus that I could find.


















Next is the Bakery and also with its menus.




IMG_20160720_095821302So here it is, The Abby which is also a farmers market on Fridays, if I remember correctly.  But that does not matter as the market is moving to a new location.  I did have a cup of joe and it was really good compared to loggers coffee.  A scone like biscuit was pretty good also, but it needed to be a little bit sweeter to make into a scone.  Not a good biscuit, not a good scone.


I am not advocating that we go here but just putting it out for discussion.





NoonDay Ridge, A Hike in the Park

Hiking, the Hard Way

Her I am getting ready to head out on my latest hike with my trusty companion, Pepper, 150 pound Labrador with Rottweiler and Mastiff on his dad’s side.  He also had growing pains when a puppy and has not grown completely out of it yet, but he does not hesitate in coming along and it good for him as I have not IMG_5411been able over the last couple of years to excersize him properly.  Little did we know that this hike was going to be almost as bad as my walkabouts in ‘Nam.

At any rate the trail starts to the left at the first hair pin to the right of the Noon Day Trail.  About one quarter of a mile from where the Noon Day takes off from Champion Creek Road.

IMG_5431Here is a section that looks easy and is the start of the trail.  The trail is not an improved trail and does not get any upkeep from the Forest Service.  It is also not on any maps that I have found.  IMG_5388You can see the log across the trail and it only gets worse.  At the far end of this one you can see some stuff we have to climb through.


This next one is some of what we were experiencing and this not the worst section.  You can see more of everything we climbed through by clicking on any picture which will take you directly to the complete album.IMG_5428

Leaving the Bohemia Mines area we passed over Champion Saddle and on down Sharps Creek which is other wise known as Hard Scrabble Grade.  If you travel into this area please make sure your car (better SUV) is in good shape, tires are good and have standard emergency supplies available.  If you are going down your brakes will get hot and going up, engines will get hot as well.

Where does the trail end up at?  The trail stays pretty much level, and ends up at Grass Creek about a 0.7mi from where we started.  Took us a little over an hour to make it that far.  It is an old miners trail that probably went on up the river to other mines, but due to the building of Grass Creek road on the other side of the river there was no way to tell which way it went.  On our side of the river the trail went no further.

Back to the beginning of the trail where it takes off from Noon IMG_5437Day Trail which is designated a jeep, atv, horseback and hiking trail on its own.  We are at this point about a quarter of a mile from Champion Creek Road.

Champion Creek and Champion Mines

IMG_5471On our way home we stopped to look at the Champion Mine and here are some concrete piers that held the stamp mill equipment that serviced the mine.

More pictures of the mine area where the Forest Service is IMG_5478reclaiming the land.  A hard thing to do as the water coming out of the mine has arsenic in it which leaches iron out of the ground and also the iron work used in the mine making everything it touches look rusty.

IMG_5480Up above in this picture are two mining shafts from the Champion and actually two layers (galleries) above the main entrance which you can see just barely off to the right.  I met the last care taker of the Champion mine before all building were torn down, circa 1964, and he mentioned that their were something like 7.5 miles of tunnelling in the Champion Mine.  Can’t get their now as the water comes in faster than you can pump it out.

As with all of my posts here please click on any picture and you will be taken to the full album.  Please leave a comment impressed or not.

Thanks for Looking,  Ken



Bohemia Trail Head, China Saddle

China Saddle

The trail starts here at the China saddle.  Originally built to provide access into the Bohemia Mining area from Oakland, Oregon.  Unknown if the trail is still viable from here to Oakland.

Bohemia Trail Head

IMG_5067The trail was also part of the High Divide Trail in this area but so far I have not been able to find any information on it.  the Bohemia Part of the trail was built around 1866.


When I do find information I am sure it will show up going in both directions from China Saddle.













The above picture is of an Orchid.  Found a lot of these along the trail and below is a different one which were in abundance during our trek along the trail.










the next few are of the scenery along the trail.  The trail had long steep sections and took a lot of energy and stamina, although the trail itself was well taken care of.  On my part my own stamina and energy is getting better, although my agility is still stiff, read that as mind over matter and comfortable strength.





















IMG_5214Below is yours truly and as always, please click on any picture and be taken to the full album.  Please leave a comment as well if you are so inclined.

Thanks for looking: Ken




Hiking, Cascade Mountains

Lund Park

Parking area is here at Lund Park, also camping facilities as well.  Lund Park was actually a stop over for miners going to the Bohemia Mines.  A hotel and Inn were here until after 1940.  As late as 1960 a family still lived here in the last building standing.  Hardly any evidence any more as to what was here.IMG_5297

Marten Flume Creek

The Marten Flume Trail head is at Lund Park on Brice Creek Road in the Bohemia Mining District.  the flume carried water down from Marten Creek to a catch basin that in turn ran an electric generator to provide power to the local Hotel and road side inn at Lund Park.  The flume was built in the 1920’s and snow destroyed it sometime in the 1950’s at which time it was not rebuilt.  The buildings are all long gone now, the last building standing, had a family living in it until sometime around 1960, possibly later.


The trail is rated difficult and we were on it just after it rained, which made it more difficult due to the wet and muddy conditions.  Very steep portions with no gravel making it slick in spots and other locations with debris to climb over.


Trail was cut into the side of the mountain, which was very steep when getting off of the trail.


The trail eventually will come to a cross trail you can take to connect to Knott Trail or continue on back to Lund Park.


Some of the scenery available along the trail.


This is actually a caved in mine.  I do not know how far in it went at one time and it also is possible that it was used as a cellar for the local inn and hotel.  I remember seeing it back in the mid 60’s and at that time it still had not caved in.


Yours truly with hiking buddy.  If you are thinking of finding this trail and trying it out, please remember that it is bear country.


My sister with her trail pal.

The trail is through what looks a lot like old growth forest but I believe that it is old second growth.  The trail loop is around two miles, and exited about 100 yards east of where we started, at Marten Creek.

If you would like to see the rest of the album please click on any picture.

Fall Hollow Campground and Restaurant

Best Place to Stay and Eat in Hohenwald, Tennessee

IMG_0976I have stayed here numerous times over the last four years and it is the cleanest motel I have stayed at in Tennessee.  Yes I know the sign says campground and rv hook-ups, but they do have two rooms in the main building behind the restaurant.  Please call ahead if you want a room.


The food is home cooked and their is none better, you could even sit at the counter and IMG_1168watch it cooked while carrying on a pleasant conversation with chef Bill, also known as the gardener, and all around good guy.  Along with your room you will get breakfast but not before 8am.  I have had the pleasure of staying while on a job and had to leave early, no problem Bill will set out the makings for peanut butter and jelly sandwitches, along with coffee maker ready to turn on.IMG_0977

A view of the restaurant from HWY412 out of Hohenwald, TN.  Address is 1329 Columbia Hwy, Hohenwald, TN 38462.  If on the ‘Natchez Trace Parkway’ the exit for Hwy412 is at MP312 and the restaurant is just across Hwy412.




Bill and Kathy are great hosts and provide a lot of local information as well as where good stops are on the ‘Natchez Trace’ especially if you are on a bicycle, and camping.  Incidentally there is not a better cobbler than the peach cobbler here at Fall Hollow


IMG_0975  Yours truly enjoying the time off and conversation before heading for the Dragon’s Tail in northeast Tennessee.

Pictures In And Around the Grand Canyon


Bottom of the canyon is an old mine, can’t see it but it is supposed to be on the river.

IMG_2168 IMG_2223 We have been home now for several months and I finally got back to going through the pictures taken during our dash home from Mississippi.


A lot of these pictures are cloudy and that is from the conditions found at the sites where they were taken.  It was late in the afternoon for most of them and the sun being very bright brought out the haze in the pictures.


The Park Service had stopped letting hikers go down into the canyon be the time we arrived, they said it was the end of the vacation season, although by this time my arthritis was keeping me from wanting to walk anyway.



The Hopi had planted fields way down their on the river.


As alway please click on any picture to be taken to the full album.  Also the full album is also open to the public.


Isolated homestead leading into the Grand Canyon National Park.

Isolated homestead leading into the Grand Canyon National Park.

Not sure what the people living here did for a living.  There was no animals or farming implements.  Very far from any town or other possible locations???


As always please click on any picture to access the full album, which also will have much better resolution on the pictures.  Also please leave a comment if you so inclined.

Thanks For Looking

Hopi Cultural Site In The Navajo Nation, Arizona

A 3+ Mile Hike To See The Hopi Site

IMG_2051The site is at the bottom of the canyon and is over a 2000 foot drop in elevation.  The trail is cut into the side of the canyon directly below where I took this picture.  Took my time and I made it.  There is no other way to see this site, and even then no one gets to go into it to look around.

IMG_2083Here is another look at the canyon area.  At the bottom it is flat and was cultivated for crops.  Also there are Douglas Fir and aspen miniature forest habitat.  Very rugged terrain.



IMG_2087A view of some of the stairs.  The only way into this site is by way of this 3 mile hike.  It does keep the vandalism down.  My interpreter, lived in the area as a youngster and remembers playing hide and seek in the ruins.


IMG_2113The ruins are still viable as far as structurally sound.  No water within the structure but right next to where I was standing was a small stream with enough water to provide for the inhabitants.



This drawing on the canyon walls was or is an architectural drawing for the ruins.  All the rooms are built the same as this drawing.



A drawing of an antelope.  A very interesting hike, the change from the top of the canyon to the bottom where it is decidedly not dry like the top and then the old ruins.

I do not want to get too maudlin, it would be easy to do in this environment.  If you are interested enough to visit the site and want to hike the trail, do wear good hiking shoes as the trail is not perfectly groomed.  As always I have a whole lot more pictures of the Hopi Village, please click on any picture to see them.



Aztec Ruins and A Few Other Sites

       Aztec Ruins National Monument

IMG_1976Here is the album I promised in an earlier post.  There are also some incidental photos taken of interesting objects.  At least they are interesting to me.




IMG_1931The beams and wood structure shown here have been dated from the year 1100, and are still intact and capable of supporting most of their original weight.



This is a smaller Kiva which is used for family gatherings and also spiritual gatherings.


IMG_1813This is a photo from the inside of the large Kiva and it is also used for gatherings although larger ones.  It would serve the pueblo as a sort of town hall and spiritual gatherings.  What would happen at the alter shown is any ones guess.

IMG_1842The local curator would not say or did not know.  In the picure at the left you can see where there are doors going into the next room and then the next room and so forth.  There is no way out of the rooms in back except to go through all of the rooms.  This complex would belong to one family.

There are many more pictures in the album, and you can see them all by clicking on any of the pictures.  As before please leave a comment or not if you are uncomfortable leaving one.

Route 66 And Trying to Find Our Way

 A Tourist Attraction

IMG_1376I have been under the weather during this time and also very poor wifi to get these all uploaded.  Click on any of the pictures to see the rest of the album.




This was found in the museum and a few other items that actually are original.  Other parts are replicas, but are pretty fair representations.



Kinda brings back all those memories, just not sure they all were as good as we think they were.




To bad we can’t all be Beverly HIll Billie’s with an oil well in our back yard.  OK, I am wrong, Sandy read the sign with this display and it depicts the Joad Family in the ‘Grapes Of Wrath’




I remember working on one of these, a few years ago?!  Now you can get one that is amaller than a pack of cig’s and if it quits throw it away and buy a new one even smaller and sounds better.



Something we found at the side of the road.  caught it whille driving.  Interesting drive so far and I have more albums to upload for this part of the trip.


Along this part of our trip home we have found mostly tourist type stuff, such as what you will see in the album.  More like what most people would call a tourist trap.  Unlike in Mississippi the view is wide open, giving a decidedly different feel.

Please scroll down and leave a comment, at least look at the rest of the pictures in the album, and I will be uploading more as soon as time permits.