Monthly Archives: September 2010

Cypress Swamp

This is the Cypress Swamp just north of Jackson, MS.  Hernando DeSoto went through this area when he was looking for the gold and silver of the new world.  All he found was insects, snakes and El Lagarto (lizard) or what we call alligators.  I am glad they are mostly hideing or sleeping after only a fish or two per week.  A sign says to not toss them any food.

The alligators look like floating logs with nostrils.  I did not see any and I am not so curious as to look any closer.

 Vey handy device for your camera and well being when walking through the brush in swampy areas.

These are bald cypress, they live in standing water.  The green on top of the water is a tiny leafed plant growing profusely.  It also provides the alligator better hiding.  As the seasons unfold I will take more pictures to show the  different season.

More of the swamp away from some of the standing water.

Excellent camera, very easy to use, with a 20x optical lens.  The auto feature is very advantagious when in forested/swampy areas where the ambient lighting fluctuates widely.

You can see more of these pictures on my facebook page just follow the link.!/home.php?sk=myuploads

I found this monopod for my camera and it is the neatest thing since tripods.  Easier to use and can be used as a walking stick.  Very handy when walking through the brush in Mississippi.

Found, a really cool destination eatery!

While talking to some bikers I had the occasion to meet they mentioned a cool saloon just across the border into Alabama.  So of course I had to go try it out.

As you can see and the next photo will show it is down in a grotto cave like structure.  The trail to the right goes above the main floor area and overlooks the little valley below.

Not allowed to drive down here, the car belongs to construction workers.  Kids can eat in the saloon until they start serving alcohol.  The waitress said that in the evening on Friday and Saturday their are upwards of 500 people eating and listening to the band.

The food was excellent, although they only serve hamburgers, sandwiches and appetizers. 

I will be going back again with my better half, and enjoying the whole evening.