Rest And Relax At The Anasazi Inn
We made it to the Anasazi Inn on Highway 160 between Tuba City and Kayenta about ten miles west of Kayenta. it is an old structure and I am sure you all have experienced this type of out of the way motel. Their is a small Cafe along with it and they serve a very respectable and good tasting fare. I recommend the Motel and Cafe.
I apologize for not putting up any more pictures but the last three motels either had very poor wifi or none that worked. I also acquired a cold going through Texas and Oklahoma, no pictures through their anyway.

Here is our rig parked in front of our motel room, does anyone remember the ‘Bates Motel’?
Four Corners Monument

Here I am in the middle of the monument, purely a tourist attraction. Way back when I was here when it was still desert with a plaque standing, seemed more appropriate then.
Here is Sandy and in the back ground you see the stalls. That is where all the vendors show their wares. I do admit that it stuff locally made and their was nothing that said made in China stamped on the back.
Aztec Ruins Monument
This is a picture from the Aztec Ruins close to the Four Corners Monument, but not a part of it. It is spectacular and I am glad we decided to stop here as well as the next location which happens tomorrow.
This is the large Kiva at the Aztec Ruins and is rebuilt as it was when it was first built.
I do not have the rest of these pictures uploaded yet and it may be that I will have to wait until I get home to do it. Just getting these few done took three hours here at the Anasazi Inn. And I had to do it in the cafe. Not bad as they provided iced tea for the duration, and dinner was excellent. Tomorrow we will end up at the Grand Canyon and probably not any further as their is a lot to see, and I am feeling better as well. Pepper our own personal bear of a dog is doing very well sitting in the back seat and having to endure the heat, as well as having to sleep on a bed usually with me. He tends to push me off when ever I get in his way.
AS usual please comment on my pictures and writing as I am working at doing better. Also I will send every one a note when I get the rest of the pictures uploaded.