Monthly Archives: October 2014

Aztec Ruins and A Few Other Sites

       Aztec Ruins National Monument

IMG_1976Here is the album I promised in an earlier post.  There are also some incidental photos taken of interesting objects.  At least they are interesting to me.




IMG_1931The beams and wood structure shown here have been dated from the year 1100, and are still intact and capable of supporting most of their original weight.



This is a smaller Kiva which is used for family gatherings and also spiritual gatherings.


IMG_1813This is a photo from the inside of the large Kiva and it is also used for gatherings although larger ones.  It would serve the pueblo as a sort of town hall and spiritual gatherings.  What would happen at the alter shown is any ones guess.

IMG_1842The local curator would not say or did not know.  In the picure at the left you can see where there are doors going into the next room and then the next room and so forth.  There is no way out of the rooms in back except to go through all of the rooms.  This complex would belong to one family.

There are many more pictures in the album, and you can see them all by clicking on any of the pictures.  As before please leave a comment or not if you are uncomfortable leaving one.

Route 66 And Trying to Find Our Way

 A Tourist Attraction

IMG_1376I have been under the weather during this time and also very poor wifi to get these all uploaded.  Click on any of the pictures to see the rest of the album.




This was found in the museum and a few other items that actually are original.  Other parts are replicas, but are pretty fair representations.



Kinda brings back all those memories, just not sure they all were as good as we think they were.




To bad we can’t all be Beverly HIll Billie’s with an oil well in our back yard.  OK, I am wrong, Sandy read the sign with this display and it depicts the Joad Family in the ‘Grapes Of Wrath’




I remember working on one of these, a few years ago?!  Now you can get one that is amaller than a pack of cig’s and if it quits throw it away and buy a new one even smaller and sounds better.



Something we found at the side of the road.  caught it whille driving.  Interesting drive so far and I have more albums to upload for this part of the trip.


Along this part of our trip home we have found mostly tourist type stuff, such as what you will see in the album.  More like what most people would call a tourist trap.  Unlike in Mississippi the view is wide open, giving a decidedly different feel.

Please scroll down and leave a comment, at least look at the rest of the pictures in the album, and I will be uploading more as soon as time permits.


The Anasazi Inn and the Four Corners Monument

Rest And Relax At The Anasazi Inn

We made it to the Anasazi Inn on Highway 160 between Tuba City and Kayenta about ten miles west of Kayenta.  it is an old structure and I am sure you all have experienced this type of out of the way motel.  Their is a small Cafe along with it and they serve a very respectable and good tasting fare.  I recommend the Motel and Cafe.

IMG_2021I apologize for not putting up any more pictures but the last three motels either had very poor wifi or none that worked.  I also acquired a cold going through Texas and Oklahoma, no pictures through their anyway.


Here is our rig parked in front of our motel room, does anyone remember the ‘Bates Motel’?



Four Corners Monument


Here I am in the middle of the monument, purely a tourist attraction.  Way back when I was here when it was still desert with a plaque standing, seemed more appropriate then.


IMG_2002Here is Sandy and in the back ground you see the stalls.  That is where all the vendors show their wares.  I do admit that it stuff locally made and their was nothing that said made in China stamped on the back.


Aztec Ruins Monument

IMG_1953This is a picture from the Aztec Ruins close to the Four Corners Monument, but not a part of it.  It is spectacular and I am glad we decided to stop here as well as the next location which happens tomorrow.

IMG_1970This is the large Kiva at the Aztec Ruins and is rebuilt as it was when it was first built.

I do not have the rest of these pictures uploaded yet and it may be that I will have to wait until I get home to do it.  Just getting these few done took three hours here at the Anasazi Inn.  And I had to do it in the cafe.  Not bad as they provided iced tea for the duration, and dinner was excellent.  Tomorrow we will end up at the Grand Canyon and probably not any further as their is a lot to see, and I am feeling better as well.  Pepper our own personal bear of a dog is doing very well sitting in the back seat and having to endure the heat, as well as having to sleep on a bed usually with me.  He tends to push me off when ever I get in his way.

AS usual please comment on my pictures and writing as I am working at doing better.  Also I will send every one a note when I get the rest of the pictures uploaded.








Watching Mississippi In The Rear View Mirror


IMG_1242We are exhausted but it is time to go.

It is hard to leave friends behind, especially those that do not require extra effort.  It has been a great four years and I will not forget it, the work and the Springs.



IMG_1019A couple of pictures of The Springs that I found earlier this fall.  This one is towards the north.





IMG_1022This one is towards the south and the roof you see on the left is where we resided.  I will post some more pictures of the springs when I get some time to find them in the archives.  We just left Arkansas and I will have more tomorrow night.