Cypress Swamp Middle of Winter January 2011

These pictures were taken just before sundown, light low and so pictures are a little washed out.

This one has my wife just before we start out on the walk about.

This is a bald cypress tree and can live in deep water for long periods.  It takes root in the summer when the swamp is nearly dry and afterwards can survive in deep water.  

Eventually Black willow, Sycamore, and Red Maple will take over in the next hundred years.

Ferns that are growing on the trunk of this bald cypress.

What looks like beaver runs and probably muskrat.  Also this swamp has alligators but I have not seem one. 

Hope you have liked these pictures.  You also shoould compare them to an earlier blog here that is this swamp last summer late June 2010.

There are swimming things in the water but I have not been able to get a good look, hard to see and hide under the scum and other stuff.

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