Driving The Natchez Trace Parkway – Destination For Coffee?

I Forgot My Coffee

On my way to Jackson Mississippi for some work experience I realized that I had left my mug of coffee in the microwave.  So I stopped about fifteen minutes south of Tupelo Mississippi at the Pontocola One Stop.  Interesting place to stop, building looks like it is on its last decade of which their are a lot of in Mississippi.

Regardless Of The Looks Of The Place

The coffee was decent and it was reasonably clean.  It is not however a destination coffee location for our Saturday morning coffee stops as their are no amenities such as chairs to sit in and so forth.  Other than munchy type stuff their is no food for the morning crowd, although the counter person said they had hamburgers and a few other items starting at 11:00AM.

In Closing

The Pontocola One Stop is located about 100 yards off of the Natchez Trace Parkway mp252IMG_5372 on Pontocola road, has beer, soda’s and a minimum of other items barely sufficiant to serve the local populace.  Coffee is good but the station across the street has more character.  At any rate I can not call for a drive destination coffee stop due to lack of facilities, which is unfortunate, not a bad place to visit all things considered.

2 thoughts on “Driving The Natchez Trace Parkway – Destination For Coffee?

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