A Modular Helmet

The Nolan Modular Helmet: Less Wind Noise Than A Half Helmet

Yeah! Here I am riding a cruiser and not doing a very good job of being a biker type. It is not that I do not enjoy the mystique of being a biker and all of that type of stuff; I just cannot wrap my head in a skid lid. I have the leather jacket and pants and so forth but that half helmet is not my cup of tea, if you know what I mean.

What I wear

My personal choice is the Nolan N90 and is a full face modular helmet that comes out of IMG_5090Italy. As I have lost some of my hearing from riding a lot and also in my work around equipment cooled by fans, I prefer full face. Although a non modular would be somewhat quieter I like the modular as I can lift the chin bar up and out of the way when in parking lots and so forth. It is DOT approved and a very comfortable helmet on long rides.

Available Accessories

The Nolan N90 has blue tooth capability but the blue tooth itself is extra. I personally do not answer a phone when I am riding, I will however stop once in a while and check. Room enough to add speakers or at least use ear buds.

Colors and A Wind Screen

As you can see I got mine in matte black but they do come in a variety of colors and also polished. The chin bar has a positive catch you will not have to slam in order to get it to latch. The face shield has no distortion that I can see and an added luxury of a pop down sun glass.

Back To The Biker Image

The matte black color of my own Nolan Modular Helmet goes back to the biker image, although a friend said I was still a wanta be biker, but he lets me ride with him anyway. Please wave when you see me on the highway and leave a comment, I will answer when I can.


6 thoughts on “A Modular Helmet

    1. Ken Post author

      Fortunately I can still hear, it is why I still wear a full helmet even with a windscreen on my bike! Thanks for the comment.

    1. Ken Post author

      Thanks for the view of my page. I know what you mean about making it look like a quality site. I found some training and will send you the url via email, hoping you do not mind. Ken

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    1. Ken Post author

      Thanks for the comments as I have to work very hard to write a post. Writing good content is hard for me as that is not where I am in my day jobs. Anyway I will check out your sons site as well. Glad you like what I write and I will be keeping it current while we travel back to Oregon in May.


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